Closing statements
SUMMARY: How will you ensure food security?

Jose Montemayor Jr. laments how past administrations neglected the agriculture sector. He also wants to scrap the Rice Tariffication Law and mitigate the impact of climate change on food security.

Manny Pacquiao says he will focus on production, distribution and consumption. He says importation kills the local farm sector.

Faisal Mangondato says agriculture is currently not a priority of the government, citing the small share of the sector to the national budget. He believes that strengthening the farm sector will boost the economy.

Leody De Guzman says he wants to “freeze” the Philippines’ agreements with the World Trade Organization. He also pushes for national land use, which will ensure that valuable agricultural lands are not converted.

Isko Moreno says there’s a need to subsidize fertilizers and impose a moratorium on land conversion. He wants to limit importation and eradicate smuggling.

SUMMARY: How will you push for 'renewable sources' of energy?

Leody de Guzman laments how there is no political will as fossil fuel earns more. He adds that the Philippines can join the global campaign against climate change if the country completely scraps coal plants and use renewable energy instead. The labor leader also warns that the country is vulnerable as it is considered an "expressway" for typhoons, which are getting stronger due to global warming.

Leni Robredo reminds the public that the Philippines has an obligation before the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) to be carbon neutral by 2050. However, the country does not have a clear roadmap on how to achieve this. The vice president noted how renewable energy in the country's energy mix dropped from 34% a few years ago to 20% now. She also recommends that the government should work on service contracts for liquified natural gas as the Malampaya gas field will run out soon.

Ernie Abella agrees with Robredo on the importance of having a roadmap. Abelal says his administration's flagship program would make agriculture a mega industry, which would incorporate a transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

Candidates want to fast-track the shift to renewable energy to solve the Philippines’ power crisis and climate change.

In 2020, the Duterte administration announced it will no longer accept proposals to construct new coal power plants, a dramatic shift in energy policy that counts on declining costs of renewables to attract clean power investments.

The moratorium was announced in tandem with the relaxation on foreign ownership limits in geothermal energy projects worth $50 million or more, doubling down on the slow transition to clean power seen as a long-term fix to the Philippines’ supply problems and now even sky-high power costs.

But experts still expect the Philippines to continue its dependence on coal in the next years, saying it is still the most practical means to generate affordable electricity needed to support the country's growing economy.

SUMMARY: Will you strengthen the Commission On Human Rights and give it “fiscal autonomy”?

Norberto Gonzales supports moves strengthening the Commission on Human Rights (CHR)

Panfilo Lacson says he will boost the budget of CHR but stresses that the body should not have prosecutorial powers.

Isko Moreno says he will also support CHR. He circles back to his vow to respect Sen. Leila De Lima’s rights.

Leody De Guzman says there’s a need to abolish political dynasties that often violate the rights of people.

Jose Montemayor Jr. wants to give CHR quasi-judicial power.

READ: CHR says Duterte admin's rights violations 'incomparable' to previous terms

SUMMARY: How will you determine the truth behind extrajudicial killings linked to the 'war on drugs'?

Manny Pacquiao says extrajudicial killings should be investigated thoroughly. While noting reported human rights violations linked to the drug war, Pacquiao says he will not stop the campaign. The senator adds that he will not kill all users but he will "kill" all those who bring in drugs in the country.

Faisal Mangondato says persons involved in illegal drugs should be punished based on their crime and should not be killed.

Jose Montemayor claims it is "very obvious" and that there is no need for further investigation as the "thing speaks for itself."

SUMMARY: Are human rights important?

Ernesto Abella, who defended the government’s war on drugs as a former spokesman of President Duterte, says it is important to reduce demand and supply of narcotics.

Leody De Guzman criticizes what he calls the Duterte administration’s “Kill, Kill, Kill” campaign and dangerous practice of red-tagging critics. He also renews his call for the abolition of Anti-Terror Law, which was authored by Panfilo Lacson in the Senate.

Leni Robredo says human rights are inherent and inalienable. On war on drugs, Robredo underscores the need to respect human rights.

Lacson, for his part, rebuts De Guzman, saying the Anti-Terror Law may be unpopular but it has safeguards.

READ: Think tank wary of Anti-Terrorism Act 'misuse' in 2022 polls

SUMMARY: How will you convince ASEAN to unite and stop China's militarization in South China Sea?

Norberto Gonzales says ASEAN should have a position but notes an issue on the procedure on how the 10-nation regional bloc comes up with a decision. He suggests proposing that instead of having a consensus before making a decision, it should just be a major decision.

Ernesto Abella says the hesitancy of ASEAN in addressing incursions in the South China Sea is because of economic reasons. However, he says the issue can be addressed through bilateral mechanisms.

Isko Moreno claims most Southeast Asian countries will not side with the Philippines as they also have interests on the South china Sea. Moreno vows that should he win, he will make sure to go to the United Nations General Assembly and urge member states to abide by the July 2016 arbitral ruling.

Leni Robredo suggests that the Philippines should lead ASEAN as the country has the arbitral ruling, which invalidated Beijing's historic nine-dash line claim over the South China Sea, including the West Philippine Sea.

SUMMARY: How will you protect OFWs in ASEAN?

Manny Pacquiao underscores the importance of charting an “independent foreign policy”.

Jose Montemayor Jr. says he will focus on protecting undocumented OFWS. He notes that the Philippines has existing labor migration agreements with other ASEAN countries.

Leni Robredo agrees with Montemayor on protecting undocumented OFWs who, she says, must be given incentives to encourage them to come out and report to embassies. Robredo says her ultimate goal is to improve the economy so Filipinos will not seek employment opportunities overseas.

SUMMARY: Is it time to reform (or abolish) party-list system?

Jose Montemayor Jr. says Supreme Court opened the “gates of hell” for rich politicians to be party-list representatives. He does not want to abolish the system though.

Isko Moreno agrees that the current party-list system must be reformed. He also wants a regional party-list system so that representatives are not only from the so-called “Imperial Manila”.

Faisal Mangondato says he wants to scrap the system because more often than not party-list congressman are not good representatives of marginalized sectors.