Struve throws, and misses, a leg kick, then half-lands a front kick. Tuivasa takes the center of the cage. Struve whiffs on a high kick. Tuivasa rumbles forwards and throws a big right hand, that glances off Struve's shoulder. Tuivasa goes for a leg kick. Tuivasa comes in again, throws a punch and then clinches up. Neither men able to land much of anything in this position. Struve thinks about tripping Tuivasa, but can't get it. Tuivasa lands a hard shot to the ribs. He backs off and lets Struve come forwards. They exchange punches and Struve lands a hard leg kick. Struve hops forwards and lands what looks like a question mark kick, but there's not much power to it. Tuivasa establishes the clinch again. He lands knees and then a punch before separating. Tuivasa lands some leg kicks and then checks on of Struves. Struve lands a punch on Tuivasa, but can't escape the leg kicks. Tuivasa takes some big swings, can't land, but does get the clinch. Tuivasa keeps swinging away, looks as though Struve is hurt off a glancing punch. Struve rights himself, but more of those looping punches land and then an uppercut up the middle. Struve collapses. The ref calls it off, TKO win for Tuivasa just before the bell.
Tai Tuivasa def. Stefan Struve via KO (punches), round 1 (4:59).
(not counting the split draw)
See how everyone else is doing here.
Big heaving breath from Kenney to start round 3. Wood still light on his feet, but still struggling to land anything hard on Kenney. Kenney moves forwards with leg kicks and looping punches, but they don't connect with the same venom as before. Wood goes for a takedown, but doesn't fully commit, he backs up. Kenney follows and throws his heavy left hand. Wood avoids and peppers with leg kicks. Kenney shoots and gets his arms around Wood's waist. Wood stops the initial takedown, but gets bundled up against the fence. Kenney hangs on his back, trying to get the fight to the ground. Wood, defends smartly, but is unable to offer any offense. Wood tries to explode, but almost gives Kenney a better position. After the scramble, Kenney continues to hang on Wood's back. Wood goes for Kenney's neck and eventually they separate. Wood then goes for a single leg, but Kenney slips away. Both men are slowed now. Wood lands a left, but Kenney looks unfazed. Kenney shoots in the middle of the cage, but Wood sprawls and jumps out of danger. Wood throws a jab, but Kenney responds with another hard left hand. Wood hits a left in return and a leg kick. Kenney lands a body kick. Wood continues to snipe with left hands, drawing blood on Kenney. Grueling fight with a tonne of offense goes to the judges. Super close, but Kenney won all three rounds for me. 30-27 Kenney.
Casey Kenney defeats National Wood by unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)
Wood opens round two with a leg kick that momentarily off-balances Kenney. He follows up with punches, but Kenney is able to stabilize, evade and fire back with kicks and punches of his own. Kenney lands another leg kick, with venom. Wood hits one, it's hard, but Kenney's have more oomph. Kenney teases a takedown, but bails on it. Kenney lands a jab, Wood comes back with a combo. Kenney throws a kick upstairs, but Wood sees it all the way. The pace slows. Kenney lands another left, while Wood continues to focus on low kicks. Kenney hits a lick on Wood's midsection. Wood is now coming forwards, he looks the fresher fighter. Kenney's punches are slower, but he's still able to land a stiff jab on Wood. Wood responds with left hooks, but they aren't making much impact. Kenney pushes Wood back to the fence, considers a takedown, but they separate. Kenney walks into a few punches from Wood. Kenney looks tired, but he landed the harder shots. 20-19 Kenney after two. It's close, though.
In the battle between two high volume leg kickers, it's Wood who throws first, but it's checked. Wood follows up with some punches and Kenney fires back a leg kick. This one is off to quick start. Kenney goes for a head kick, it's blocked and Kenney slips and falls. But he's back on his feet in a second. Both men are finding their range with their kicks and punches. Kenney rushes forwards and forces Wood back. Kenney lands a hard kick to Wood's body and moments later rips another one to the leg. Kenney then lands a left hand on Wood. Wood seems to be the more apprehensive of the two, now. But he's still able to catch Kenney. This pace surely can't last. Kenney hits Wood with another left hand. Wood is trying to keep Kenney off him with leg kicks and push kicks. Kenney walks forwards and lands another left, though. Kenney throws a left to the body then comes forward with a one-two, landing the right upstairs. Wood throws another front kick, but then gets cracked with that left hand. Wood doesn't react, though. He lands a left of his own later, which Kenney walks through. Kenney hits a spinning kick, Wood tries to return it, but misses. Furious round. 10-9 Kenney.
Oliveira starts things off with a big darting right hand on Rakhmonov. Rakhmonov comes back with a heavy leg kick. Both men are taking some time to feel each other out. Oliveira comes back with a leg kick and then he storms forwards with looping punches. Rakhmonov evades the punches well, though. He chases Oliveira to the fence, throws some punches and then lands a big knee to Cowboy's gut. Rakhmonov clinches Oliveira up and starts throwing knees. Oliveira turns Rakhmonov's back to the fence and throws some knees of his own. They spiral back into open ground, but Oliveira forces the action back to the cage, still controlling the clinch. He drops down, thinking of a takedown, but there's nothing doing there. He stands and lands another knee. Oliveira drops down again, but Rakhmonov is strong in defending. Oliveira drops down again, this time Rakhmonov goes for the guillotine. He jumps guard, brings the action to the ground and Oliveira taps! Big win for the debut fighter out of Kazakhstan.
Shavket Rakhmonov defeats Alex Oliveira by submission (guillotine), round 1 (4:40).